Special Tranny Items


The Trans-MISSION Personal Shopper
sexy high heelsFinding shoes (especially pretty high heels) and clothes that are the right size for us T-Girlz can be a nightmare. Shoes in larger sizes (e.g. over UK size 9, EU size 43) that are not just oversized, overpriced PVC court shoes, are often difficult to locate. Equally, dresses, corsets and other necessary tranny-wear that are long enough for typical tranny bodies, or which are wide enough and narrow enough in the right places and not the wrong ones can be a nightmare.

We at Trans-MISSION therefore thought that taking some of the hard work out of these activities might be of interest and so we have established the Trans-MISSION Personal Shopper. Rather than selling items ourselves with all the associated issues of storing stock and postage, we have instead done the searching for you on popular on-line shop Amazon. Our personal shopper will therefore direct you to the coolest, sexiest and most importantly, the right sized items in the Amazon store, where you can buy them in the normal way. Click on one of the items on the list below:
  • high heel personal shopper for transvestitesSHOES - A range of pretty, and sexy shoes for transvestites, all of which are available in UK size 9 (EU 43) and above and many which go to a UK size 13.
  • special tranny items such as breastforms and shapewearSPECIAL TRANNY ITEMS - A selection of items that many transvestites need but real girls don't necessarily, such as breastforms, padded knickers and shapewear.
At the moment, the Trans-MISSION Shop only includes shoes and special tranny items but our range of tranny-friendly products will be expanding from time-to-time.
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