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Links: Trans-MISSION's T*Girl-Friends
The last time we looked, if you did a search for 'tranny' it returned 28 million pages and an amazing 41 million pictures (not all of them savoury we should add). Now some of those web-sites are probably to do with car transmission shafts, but the majority are to do with girls with shafts of their own (oo-err missus). We obviously can't provide links to every transvestite or cross-dressing site on the worldly wise web. Instead, here are links to a selection of tranny web-site which belong to:
  • regular visitors to our tranny club nights in London or Manchester;
  • girlz whose web-sites send us a lot of traffic; or
  • trannies whose sites provide a wealth of useful information for cross-dressers, transvestites and transexuals alike!
Over recent years, many of the girls whose sites we used to list have disappeared from the inter-web so the number of girlz on this page is sadly dwindling. If you would like your banner here, then drop us a line and we'll happily add you to our list.
Sarah Clarke
Sarah was the 'whore-on-the-door' at Trans-MISSION for many years. Yes, she did provide services in return for money, but the services were always a smile and cheeky comment.
April Angell
April Angell was our photographer on many occasions and continues to take wonderfully atmospheric pictures both of trannies and of other fun people in and around the UK.
Anastasia Piachuska
Anastasia was a good friend of Trans-MISSION who attended the club when she wasn't sipping champagne somewhere more elegant. You may have recently seen her on an episode of Channel 4's 'come dine with me'.
Clarissa Darling
Karen Clarke
Be aware that Karen's web-site is not for the faint hearted. A regular visitor to our club, she has gone on to make a name for herself in the more 'adult' side of the tranny scene.
Here are links to a couple of girls whose web-sites don't have fancy banners. It doesn't make them any less worth a visit, in fact you could argue that their modesty makes them more enigmatic and interesting!
Adelle April - International Air-Hostess
Nicola Smith - A UK-based Transvestite
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