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Links: T*Girl Specific Items
There are certain things that a transvestite needs for which there is little option other than a specialist shop or retailer. Items such as make-up and cosmetics, wigs, boobs (breastforms or falsies), bodyforms and corsets. Although these items are available from many retailers, they are perhaps best bought from a supplier that's used to dealing with the special requirements of us 'ladies'. Here we list tranny-friendly shops and suppliers that stock these sometimes hard-to-find items!
One Stop Shops
The Boudoir Shop
Transgendered Stuff
Fantasy Girl
There are many places you can buy make up, from high street retailers to specialist stores and many of the one stop shops above will do a good line in tranny make-up. If you're looking for tips on how to apply it, take a look at our well written (even if we say so ourselves) guide to tranny make-up.
Beauty Resource - Find a Beauty Professional Near You
Nails in Nottingham
Wigs and Hair
A Word or Two on Wigs - Wigs are a minefield for the first timer and can be one of the most ill-selected part of any tranny's outfit. Shoes (high heel of course), dresses, make-up and more will have been maticulously planned and applied, however at the last minute a wig is dragged out of the back of the cupboard and thrown on. Wigs have to be carefully selected to match the tone of your skin and the shape of your face. They also benefit from a little care and attention. If you're in the market for your first wig, if you can, call one of the retailers below up and have a chat with them, you will find them all very helpful. For more info on wigs, you might like to try our tranny wig top tips!
Contrast Wigs
Wonderland Wigs
Denise Lebar
Treloggan Wigs, Portsmouth
Breastforms and Bodyforms
Breastforms can be surprisingly expensive, if you are after something fairly lifelike. There are cheaper alternatives which you can make yourself, but if you want the fully authentic tranny look, a decent set of 'boobs' will help no-end. And guess what, Trans-MISSION also has a guide to tranny breastforms too!
The Breastform Store - Very Friendly and Helpful Shop
Breastforms 4 U from Lacies and Fantasy Girl
Magic Curves Breast Forms and Boobs
Classic Curves Body Shapers
Disclaimer: Whilst we have made every effort to only include organisations we believe to be respectable and honest, we can not control the content of external web-sites; nor does the appearance of a link constitute any endorsement of a product or service by Trans-MISSION.
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