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Top Tranny Tips: Fetish Fun

Are Trannies A Focus Of Fetish Fantasy?

The Perfect TrannyWhilst it might be relatively easy to see the link between transvestism and the gay scene (not for nothing are most polysexual societies called 'LGBT' - the 'T' standing for transgender in case you didn't know), the link between cross-dressers, transvestites, transsexuals and the world of fetish may at first seem much less obvious. It is a fact, however, that even fetish clubs with the strictest of dress-codes are happy to welcome men dressed as women (or transvestites as we know them!) through their doors without so much as a second glance (which is something that can't necessarily be said for the other club-goers). So why are transvestites so fabulously 'fetish'? Many cross-dressers, without even realising it, display many of the standard ingredients to fetish fantasy and folklore such as rediculously high-heels, rubber dolly dresses, outrageous outfits, tight-fitting corsets, showing off their legs (and showing off in general) but for a more socioligically sound explanation let's first turn to the definition of fetish:
fetish: (n)
Sexual attraction to, or irrational preoccupation with, objects or body parts not conventionally viewed as being sexual in nature.
So what is it that makes transvestites so inherently fetish? Maybe it is to do with the juxtaposition of male and female, as either on their own could certainly not be classified as fetish based on the above definition. The fact that so many trannies are also fixated with being girlie and take so much care and attention (irrational preoccupation?) with doing so also adds to our fetish credentials. Females who dress as males are not seen as quite so fetishist, unless, of course, they do so by strapping-on large appendages to their nether regions!

Sissies And Strap-Ons

LadyBoy MaidBut there is perhaps more that forges the connection between trannies and fetish. As evidence of the connection, consider transgender pornography (which many of you will be secretively, or not so secretively, familiar with). T*Girls on porn sites (or shemales as they're often called) are regularly dressed in maids outfits, as school-girls or in tight-fitting PVC or rubber dresses together with mandatory shag-me shoes (which are then of course removed for the action to take place - or even form part of the action), and the other willing participants in such situations include sissified men, submissive women, and dominatrixes with various sizes of strap-on appendages. All very 'irrational'!

Trannies and cross-dressers are also often pictured being worshipped by males and females, both sexually and physically, and in some spheres there seems to be a strong link between the concept of worship and that of the world of fetish. And we haven't even started to address the question of bondage, BDSM and the various other more niche brands of fetish where trannies are equally prevalent.

Worship Tranny CockThere is undoubtedly a strong link between the wider world of fetish fantasy and the transfixing world of transvestites and transsexuals. There are clearly lots of people who enjoy this association, and who regularly get a kick out making that connection whether in public or in private. For a 'just out of the closet' tranny, the fetish scene, and fetish clubs in particular, can be seen as something to be wary of. However, unless you are particularly prudish they are really nothing to be afraid of. Many are very accepting of transvestites and cross-dressers, so if it's the only option for a night out in your part of the world, and if you're strong willed and strong minded, why not go along and see what's in store? There's nothing to lose and all clubs have a code of conduct that will stop you from coming to any harm, or from anyone doing anything to you without your permission (even just talking to you!) It would certainly be an eye-opener and who knows where it might lead (though if you end up being led away on all fours in a studded leather dog collar, we really don't want to hear about it!)
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